The Hahn Family Blog

Monday, August 10, 2015

2015 waiting video

This video gets me. every. time. I'm overwhelmed with God's goodness and mercy that He has poured out in my life. He gives out of His character and His plan, not because we deserve or have a right to anything. And blessings overflow down to all of us because He has an abundance of goodness. His mercy in our lives may not manifest in the same way (or even the way we desire) but we can be assured that His grace rests upon every one us...“The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made.” -Psalm 145:9

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

do differently

Lately I've had the pleasure to visit with many who have been blessed with more years than I...and that meant listening to wisdom that comes from walking this earth longer. It seemed a recurrent theme was - "If I were to do it over again,                  "   I soaked it all in, gleaning what I could through a Christ-centered world view. It was great! And my heart was moved to ponder; what can I change now so that I will regret less? What are the glaring logs in my eye that I'm seemingly blind to? What can I change by His grace now, so that I will have one less on the list when I say~  If I were to do it over again...? Because my time here is short, and sooner than later I'll be the one that's walked longer than most. I want my life to reflect His shining glory and love. Because it's all about the Lord Jesus, always has been  {even the years before I realized it}  and always will be.  
I leave you with this song, I adore it. He speaks to a younger version of himself and tells him what he would do differently. It resinates... enjoy and let us fix our eyes on Him. I'm certain as we do, that all these things will fall into place as He leads and guides.

Monday, July 6, 2015

thank you!

We wanted to extend a huge thanks to all who supported us through the tee shirt fundraiser! We sold 32 shirts {well, 35 if you count the ones bought for our family} and are excited to see them out and about around us : ) We appreciate the generosity from our family, friends and even complete strangers-

Monday, May 18, 2015

pure mercy

Friends, again we are humbled by God's goodness and mercy-- remember waaaay back when we were accepted by The MICAH Fund? And yall's generosity + the MICAH Fund helped us finance our first adoption?!  Well, great news again! The wonderful people at the MICAH Fund are partnering with us a second time to match donations up to $4,000. Mmhmm, $4,000!!!
The MICAH Fund has joined up with Pure Charity to make it easier for families to fundraise online. We have a direct profile where donations can be made. If mailing a regular ol' check sounds easier, it's not :) Pure Charity does accept donations in that manner however, this number 5855-3638-4583 must be on the memo line to designate funds to our family. You can mail checks to:
Pure Charity
PO Box 1234
  Searcy, AR 72145
If you feel led to contribute to bring our baby home, we gratefully thank you in advance! We're taking this adoption one step at a time and this is one giant step... 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

big news

It's here-- our newest home study. We rest in God's faithfulness as we begin another adoption journey.
And boy, are we excited!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015


I had originally shared a quote for this post but had a thought that given the purpose of this blog- in short, adoption-- maybe the choice of words wasn't the wisest. So, I leave you with another that conveys the same encouragement:

Knowing is not enough; we must apply what we know; being willing is not enough, we must do.
- Johann von Goethe