The Hahn Family Blog

Monday, August 20, 2012

thank you

   Well, our week on Give1 Save1 is officially over. We are still overcome by the way God provided through the kind generosity of so many people. How can we thank you all enough? We appreciate every kind word, every 'share', every dollar donated and every prayer uttered.
   My initial goal was to make $10 to cover the cost of the apps needed to make the movie :) Oh, me of little faith; I'm ashamed to admit it. Jesus would not have marveled at my faith as He did the centurion's. But isn't that just it? He proves Himself over and over again regardless of our simple, unbelieving selves. Because that is who God is. Good. Merciful. Faithful. Incomprehensible.
   Our donations totaled $ 1,192 from last week. We are humbled and immensely grateful. And excited for what's next.
 "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think... to Him be the glory". 

Sunday, August 12, 2012


So thrilled to let my dear readers know that our video is up and running! Those ladies are the sweetest, Lord bless them :) You are more than welcome to pass along and share however you'd like. And your prayers are most appreciated! Have a great week.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Give 1 Save 1

   Have you heard of this awesomeness? I hadn't either until last week.  The sweet lady that started it all is dedicated to relieving some of the financial burden for folks that are adopting. She knows a thing or two about it, right now she's in Africa for her new son.
     So each week, they feature a new family and ask viewers to give one dollar via paypal. Kind of like, hey, can I have a dollar to help get a child to his family? Umm, SURE!?!  And they feature a new family PER area of the world that has a need for adoptive parents... Africa, Europe, Asia, Carribbean, and domestic. That's a lot of lives impacted every week. Stop by and check them out. The family videos are so great.
  OHHH, before I forget. Our family will be featured on the domestic side on Monday. :)  :) :)
Our video will be posted here and there next week. Yayyy!